Thursday, November 28, 2019

Making love Essay Example

Making love Essay Is it possible to justify mass culture a growing phenomenon of human needs? Is the world of appearances rather than substitutes and release of alienation, becomes a new source of alienation?  Everyday life can therefore be considered as a kind of gigantic and constantly growing archive of gestures induced to buy, all kinds of  Mass culture grows out of human needs. Many people treat it as a facilitator from reality, a way of spending free time. Certain standards and trends are for this type of people mainstay of everyday life, give them a sense of security and self-realization. Popular culture can be a bond connecting people with similar interests, beliefs or way of life. On the other hand, mass culture makes many people own views replaces ready diagrams drawn from newspapers, radio and the Internet. It is no wonder that it is a source of alienation for those who do not want to give up its dictates.  People find themselves in the products of mass culture, such as creativity goes to a mass audience. The recipient feel connected with other people they can share experiences, curiosities or just talk to them. The products of mass culture are widely available. Media promote them, because they know that it is an easy way to make money. Besides, mass culture is assumed to be primarily geared for sale and profit. We will write a custom essay sample on Making love specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Making love specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Making love specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer If pop culture is not the result of human needs, how to explain interest in her? The greatest desire of man is not to be alone, and mass culture can provide it to him.  However, every stick has two ends and mass culture can also be a cause of alienation. If someone listens to pop music, go to the cinema on a purely commercial films and raves alternative art can meet with rejection. Such a person may be considered to be worse, because it is not wise enough to form an alternative taste.  Popular culture can be a cause of alienation. But you cannot treat it as something worse, because it grows out of human needs. It is the simplest form of entertainment, which everyone at some time desire. Making love with food:  So far the purchases were associated with screw capitalism consumption. However, it turns out that shopping is also a way of showing love.  Anthropologist Daniel Miller has found love in the supermarket. His discovery refers to a special kind of shopping food supply. So those everyday household primarily habits. For a year they shopped and talked with residents of one street in London. One of his conclusions was that choosing the right products are showing your household love and care. Women said, for example: My husband eats badly, he likes bacon, and I buy him something healthier. Therefore, I love him and I do not want him to put on weight’’. Shopping, do not make fun. You have to do it every day. No matter what strategy to take once again you will need to go get milk and bread to the store. Because it is such a mundane commercials often appear magical worlds and that potatoes pop out of uniforms and a dog, a cat and a hamster comment purchases their state. And if our world does not look like you guys are annoying and the women gathered up? Exactly so. He is, smart, has a tummy, and she knows whats going on and how to make the world a better place. Women do daily mini-consumer research. They ask if it tastes. Hit something on the promotion and considering whether to throw it into daily eating habits, whether grab or not. Women described by Miller are very clever, analyse the market, know the promotions and purchasing strategies. We have a simple life. However, when we buy for other stress is twofold. We worry, whether it will be healthy and testy .Men quite often defend the fact that they hate shopping .Yeah, but look at the mans car buyer. This is just amok, this process may take years. This is such a hunt, moreover, every now and then we hear about his Mercedes , hunt promotion.  Miller also introduces a very interesting concept of rarity a pleasures of something extra. Rarity is a reward for the effort of shopping. This could be a candy bar, ice cream, favourite tea. Women at Miller say they cannot send her husband to the store, because he brings the same antiquity, its purchases are not rational. In England, women did not let their husbands to do shopping because they spend too much. 60 % may make purchases only in the company of women, and two thirds of women totally took over the home shopping.  This would fit with the Miller research. He also pointed to a particular type of joint purchases which are shopping courting. The first joint shopping is a huge field of negotiations. This is my favourite milk, and this is my coffee, I eat only bitter chocolate. By learning to recognize the other person not only her past, her sensitive places on the body, but you also get to know her consumer habits. If you want to live in harmony. Otherwise delightful breakfast will turn into a nightmare, because instead of butter you will spread the sandwich with the margarine. We are people who build their identity by product brands, because it is the way that Western civilization is constructed. Chandlers not only keeps the body alive, but also serves to build social relationships. Particularly interesting is the relationship between mother and child. Miller says that the child takes the place of a partner, who was the subject of devotion and care. Never until now in civilization, was the child not so important. Mothers are puzzled how to select the menu, what clothes to buy, what toys to choose. Many mothers do their shopping especially for their children. One of the ideal models for human consumption is embedded in the concept of naturalness. In other words, the child knows what’s best for him, what and when to eat, when he/she want to sleep. Our role is not to disturb him/her. This means that we give up our dreams, habits or even work. According to Miller, at the beginning it was important deity. Then, under the influence of secularization the place of deity took man, whom in turn dethroned feminism. However, more interestingly, the scheme has not been interrupted. Dedication and attention to women transferred to a child who has become the new deity. Conclusion: The everyday life has infinitive variety: it is suggestive and vague, it can be distancing or jolly. Everyday life could happen by chance or it might be acquainted and routinized. Your life can be grey or merry and pleasant. Its up to you what life you want to lead. It does depends on you what sort of life you want to lead, because everyone is different surrounded by diverse people and environment thus have dissimilar experiences. However, we all breathe the same air and we all have a need for eat and sleep. We might have conflicting views and different visions on life because each of us is an individual unit. References: Rita Felski (1999) ‘’The invention of everyday life’’NO.39,pp15-31 available via SyD and the web. Henri Lefebvre (2005)[1971] Everyday life in the Modern World,Transl. Sacha Rabinovitch, New Brunswick, NJ, Transaction Publisher, extract from Philip Wander (2005) ‘’Introduction’’,pp.vii-x and pp.xiv-xvi [full intro pp.vii-xxiii] and Lefebvre p.187-8 Michael Bull (1999) ‘’The dialectics of walking: Walkman use and the reconstruction of the site of experience’’ in Jeff Hearn and Sasha Roseneil 9eds) Consuming Cultures: Power and Resistance, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Macmillan, extract, pp.205-206 [full article pp.199-220]

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Nick Jr. and Gatsby S Attire Essay Example

Nick Jr. and Gatsby S Attire Essay Example Nick Jr. and Gatsby S Attire Essay Nick Jr. and Gatsby S Attire Essay Chapter Five 1| What is Gatsby doing at two in the morning? What is his real intention? Lighting up his house so that it can be seen across the bay| 2| Gatsby doesn’t want to put Nick to any trouble. What does this tell you about him? Gatsby is conscience of his friends doing| 3| What does Gatsby suggest in order to try to help Nick with his financial state? That he work with him on a business deal| 4| What does Gatsby do to Nick’s home to prepare for his tea with Daisy? He sends a man to cut his grass and fills his place with flowers| 5| What colors make up Gatsby’s attire? What do these colors symbolize? White, silver, and gold symbolizing money/wealth (the white is like platinum)| 6| What is Gatsby’s emotional state prior to Daisy’s arrival at Nick’s? He is extremely nervous| 7| What surprises Nick on his reentry into his living room? Gatsby is gone| 8| What description does Nick give of Gatsby standing at his door? Pale as death| 9| What is the atmosphere in the room when Daisy and Gatsby first reunite? Still and quiet and very, very awkward | 10| What change occurs in Daisy’s character? Decision time| 11| What does Gatsby first believe about the arranged meeting? That it’s terrible mistake and is going horribly| 12| Rain is an important symbol in literature. What could it signify in chapter five? Sadness, depression, a hostile world| 13| What, according to Nick, are Americans occasionally willing to be? willing to be serfs, have always been obstinate about being peasantry| 14| What change has occurred in Gatsby upon Nicks reentering the house? The feeling of tension and embarrassment had died away| 15| Why is it important that Daisy see Gatsby’s house? To show daisy that he was very wealthy and could provde for her materially. That’s why he lost her in the first place: he was not wealthy enough for her and Tom was and now Gatbsy wants to show her he is as wealthy as Tom if not wealthier. | 16| How does Gatsby contradict his past in telling Nick the time it took him to earn his money for his house? How does he correct himself? What do you believe is the true story about Gatsby’s money? Gatsby says it took him only three year to earn the money to buy the mansion; earlier, Nick points out Gatsby had claimed he had inherited his fortune from his family. He corrects himself by saying that he did initially inherit his family’s money but lost it in the panic of war and he had to earn it back| 17| What two businesses does Gatsby tell Nick he has been in? The drug business and the oil business| 18| How does Nick say that Gatsby revalues his house? Be the measure of Daisy’s response whether she approves or not| 19| Your bedroom is supposed to be a true revelation of who you are. What does Gatsby’s bedroom say about him? his bedroom is the simplest room in the house; he really doesn’t value material things himself, but rather he values what material things can get him:Daisy. Its all for her| 20| Daisy justifies her crying by saying, It makes me sad because I’ve never seen such- such beautiful shirts before. Why is she really crying? She is really crying because now she realizes Gatsby is as wealthy as Tom- if not wealthier- and she should hace chosen him, and now she wants to be with him again. Perphas creating a conflict within her since she still has feelings for Tom)| 21| What does Gatsby reveal to Daisy about the placement of her house? That if it wasn’t for the mist he could see her home across the bay. He can look across and see the green light at the end of her dock| 22| Who is in the picture that Nick notices? Mr. Dan Cody. Gatsby says Dan Cody was his best friend years ago| 23| Nick says, There must have been moments even that afternoon when Daisy tumbled short of his dreams- not through her own fault but because of the colossal vitality of his illusion. Has Gatsby made Daisy out to be more than she really is? Yes she is simply in it for the money and material items as long as she is taking care of she is fine| 24| What is the one thing about Daisy that Gatsby cannot alter in his dream? Her voice| 25| We don’t know what happened in the exchange between Gatsby and Daisy while Nick stands in the rain outside of his home. What things do you believe might have been said? Remember, Nick returns to find Daisy’s face streaked with tears. Gatsby told Daisy of how he still loved her and she responded by saying she still loved him and was sorry that she hadn’t waited for him to return from the war front|

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Verbal Communication Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Verbal Communication Skills - Essay Example Words are imitative of sounds. Use of words alone has no meaning because it the people who supply meaning to constituent words. When meaning is assigned to words, there is the development of language which later develops the process of speaking (Williamson 2008, 1). Language develops from the act of working together or doing things together in a socialization circle which leads to coining meaning to words. In every communication we get involved, we need to have nonviolent communication where we use our words in a polite manner so as not to hurt our listeners or cause pain to them. If there is the use of hard languages or vocabularies, communication breakdown is experienced (Rosenberg 2003). In communication, the interlocutor needs to choose words effectively because one does not need to hurt the listener in anyway. It is important to avoid impolite language which may triggers bad feelings because this leads to communication breakdown. In communication one assumes that his or her lang uage and content is understood by the other party by ensuring our needs are felt by the other party in the conversation (Rosenberg 2003) Theory of mind During face to face to communication, it is imperative to apply the theory of mind whereby we use our ability as interlocutors to infer the listener’s mental states. We need to consider their thoughts, desires, beliefs, intentions among others. It is also the ability to interpret what people say to us. In that aspect, we are able to predict their next actions which help us to know of their behaviors. For efficient verbal communication, theory of mind needs to be applied wholesomely so as to acquire the best results in the communication process. This theory helps people to engage in a conversation without any need to explain every bit of their communication in the process (Williamson 2008, 1). Cognitive dissonance theory Cognitive dissonance is derived from the discomfort we experience psychologically when there is something th at is not clear in our lives or conversation. During the communication process, people avoid things that can irritate them or make their information inferior. They avoid talking things that can hurt their listeners because they want to apply ethics their communication (Rosenberg 2003). We ought to give peace by our talks so that we enhance a relationship that mutual benefits us in life. Verbal communications needs the parties involved to have a mutual understanding of whatever they talk about so as to uphold an interaction which brings forth common delivery of information. Distorted information only complicates the messages intended to be got from the verbal communication (Williamson 2008, 1). Communication accommodation theory In this theory the people involved in a communication adjust their styles of communication because they move from one stage of communication to another. They continue understanding one another’s messages by the fact that they continue talking. Continua tion or sustenance of a conversation is an indication that people understand one another and accommodate the information they share in the process of communicatio

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Strategic Marketing Product Mix and New Product Development Strategies Essay

Strategic Marketing Product Mix and New Product Development Strategies - Essay Example The Pepsi Company already has a lot of products including business ties with Lipton Iced Tea, but that doesn't stop them from creating more new products. After the production of more than four hundred products you can't say that The Pepsi Company will stop creating new products or new drinks, that's not going to happen, not if they want to maintain to be the number one non-alcoholic beverage company in the world, not if their top competitors such as Coca Cola and Cadbury Schweppes are still around. (Hoover' So, the idea of developing of another product is very much possible. And a creation of a new product, coffee for example, The Pepsi Company would like to create a new product line like coffee. This new product would require new machineries for the coffee beans and the skilled people in the coffee industry. With the development of a coffee brand of in the Pepsi Company, the organizational structure of the production division would be changed. For example the employees from ot her department that has the "know how" to operate the coffee machines would be "repositioned" into the coffee department. Therefore, this would create a great deal of transferees of department within the organizational structure. ... tion objectives of marketers to market the new Pepsi products, the use of internet, advertising campaign, sales promotion and sponsorship must be implemented as the IMC tools. The use of these IMC tools may help Pepsi Cola to communicate with the other target segment. For example, with the popularity of the Internet ever increasing, it has now become one of the most common ways of doing business: e-commerce. Through the Internet the Pepsi product will emerge quickly because Internet acts a shop window for many businesses today, this will also allow consumers to view the different features Pepsi products, its contents in terms of minerals and vitamins or purchase the product features and unique benefits online. In addition, the Internet can also be used as a marketing tool, in meaning on a purely promoting the products, which will aim to result in a more sales from other distribution channels. The rationale for choosing this channel is that Internet can help target consumers worldwide not only on the market and this could be a great opportunity to be develop and in order for consumer quickly recognized the product. Herein, the entire campaign element must be integrated in order to achieve the desirable marketing communication objectives. Consumer does not separate or divide advertising, sales promotion, sponsorship and internet as marketing communications techniques. They tend to receive the messages from various sources and buildup either favourable or unfavourable image of Pepsi products. As far as they are concerned, the source of the message is unimportant. What they will be concerned with is the content of the message and to what degree the brand promise is actually delivered (Fill & Yeshin, 2001). Basically, all campaign activities lead down to marketing

Monday, November 18, 2019

Demonstrate Enhanced Self Awerness, Interpersonal and Self-Managment Essay

Demonstrate Enhanced Self Awerness, Interpersonal and Self-Managment Skills When Establishing and Maintaining Professional and T - Essay Example Prior to conclusion, the student will reflect on his/her personal skills and highlight one action point for each that will benefit you in maintaining professional and therapeutic relationship. Literature Review The process of establishing a strong nurse-patient relationship could result from a constant or regular interplay or covert negotiation between the nurse and the patients until both parties are able to reach a mutual and satisfying relationship (Morse, 1991). Depending on the time spent between the nurses and the patients, nurses are expected to build trust and meet the individual needs of each patient. According to Morse (1991), nurses who are not willing or failed to commit themselves to the patients would end up forming a unilateral relationship rather than a nurse-patient relationship. ... Caring is the central force when developing nurse-patient relationship that aims to protect the patient’s dignity (Kozier et al., 2004, p. 72; Astedt-Kurki et al., 2007). Therefore, developing trust between the nurse and the patient is important (Yamashita and Mound, 2005). For nurses to be able to successfully perform the seven nursing roles (i.e. the stranger role, resource role, teaching role, counselling role, surrogate role, leadership role, and technical expert role) in caring for the patients, Peplau emphasizes the need for nurses to communicate and be a good listener to the patient (Courey et al., 2008). For example, by listening to the specific needs and personal experiences of the patients, the nurses will be able to have a better understanding on how they should provide caring and treatment to the patients without causing any unnecessary internal conflict between the two parties involved (Di Joseph and Cavendish, 2005). Communication skills can affect the success or failure of a nurse-patient relationship. Therefore, nurses should be aware of their choices of words, sentence structure, and tone of voice (Kozier et al., 2004, p. 427). In most cases, patients who are emotionally happy and satisfied with the development of nurse-patient relationship are more open in revealing their emotions with the nurses (Astedt-Kurki et al., 2007). Once the patient is able to share his personal experiences with the nurses, the nurses will have more opportunity to communicate with the patients and be able to provide them with the comfort they need to be able to cope with their health status. As part of strengthening the relationship between the nurses and patients, Tveiten and Severinsson (2006) revealed that a

Friday, November 15, 2019

A Overview Che Guevara History Essay

A Overview Che Guevara History Essay The principal subject of historical debate surrounding Che Guevara is whether or not he succeeded as a revolutionary. The debate can become quite implausible as some regard him as a folk hero of mythical proportions. There is a sense of irony in that Guevara has become worldwide fascination as a commercial product, although Guevaras motive for the revolutionary uprising was to conquer capitalism. This thesis will argue the ways in which Guevaras legacy has been received and interpreted (listed below), as well as identifying the origins of his profound popularity. Description of Preliminary Research and Research Intentions: Main areas or issues you plan to discuss in your essay The overall focus is the interpretation of Che Guevara and his legacy over time. With this, the main topics of the debate are: The life of Che Guevara was one of controversy and thereby one must place emphasis into questioning the significance he holds in the pantheon of international revolutionary heroes and ideals. Herewith, the historian must evaluate Guevaras success from a political/empiricist perspective. The complete commitment to the revolutionary struggle to create a new man and a just/social order that continues to inspire those who struggle against social injustice. With this, one must investigate how these ideals impact on the post-Guevara population of modern-day society. To do this the historian must evaluate Guevaras success from a social perspective. Guevara has become a popular symbol while his image is too often dissociated from the legend that built it. With this, one must evaluate how and why his image has become a dominant face of contemporary popular culture. In relation to this debate, Guevara has ironically become an important image for money-wielding capitalists. Therefore, the historian must evaluate Guevaras success from a determinist/economic perspective. Project Synopsis The thesis explores specifically whether or not Che Guevara succeeded as a political revolutionary and a powerful icon in contemporary popular culture after his death. Guevaras life provides a significant historical debate as Guevara has often been criticised as a murderer, a hypocrite and a failure. His attempt to unite several Latin-American nations under a communist rule was unsuccessful, although he is often regarded as a hero to many of the inhabitants of these countries. The precise thesis question to be focused on is Evaluate the changing views on Ernesto Che Guevaras success and legacy following his death in 1967 to the present day. This question was developed as an investigation into how and why Guevara obtained an iconic status in society, and whether or not he is regarded as being a success or a failure. Originally, this question focused only on Guevaras failed attempt of uniting Latin-American nations and placed an inquiry into why Guevara became so popular. Through thorough research and academic critique, it was discovered that there were more sophisticated elements to the thesis question. The life of Che Guevara was one of controversy and thereby one must place emphasis into questioning the significance he holds in the pantheon of international revolutionary heroes and ideals. Guevara made a complete commitment to the revolutionary struggle to create a new man and a just/social order that continues to inspire those who struggle against social injustice. Herewith, one must investigate how these ideals impact on the post-Guevara population of modern-day society. Guevara has also become a popular symbol while his image is too often dissociated from the legend that built it. With this, one must evaluate how and why his image has become a dominant face of contemporary popular culture, as well as the face of marketisation. Different historians have produced varying answers to the specific question. In the thesis, the strength of these claims is explored in an attempt to resolve the issue of whether Guevara succeeded or not, but the sources themselves their motivation, influences and perspective are also explored to ensure that the different historical perspectives are not simply described, but evaluated. This focus question is resultantly a mix of history and historiography. Project Essay Ernesto Che Guevara remains a potent iconic presence in society, with his life the subject of new biographies, his visage on T-shirts, and his highly-regarded influence in the political spectrum. The Argentinean-born guerilla leader who helped Fidel Castro seize power in Cuba in 1959 remains one of the few unsullied heroes available to the political left. His thoughts (as evidenced in his book, Guerilla Warfare) on revolutionary strategy, bureaucracy, education, economics, the role of the party, internationalism, attitude to work and democratic centralism have been regarded as the force behind the Latin-American Revolutions. Guevara had an indomitable belief in the worth of education and was self-taught in economics and Marxism. Marxs concept that it is not enough to interpret the world, it must be transformed was at the heart of Guevaras life. Guevara strongly believed that key analytical concepts must be adapted and modified by practice. Guevara felt that the struggle against capitalism and the construction of a new socialist society required a new type of human being who would be willing to make personal sacrifices for the well-being of others. Historian Richard Harris states, His life as a revolutionary was a success as evidenced by the continuing significance he holds in the pantheon of international revolutionary heroes and ideals. The example he set of complete commitment to the revolutionary struggle to create a new man, freed from his alienation, educated and ready to struggle every day for his liberty and a just social/international order continues to inspire those who struggle against social injustice and oppression and seek to create a new social order based on the ideals of socialism. In this context, Che has in death succeeded more than he ever could have imagined  [1]  . Historian Siles del Valle argues rather convincingly that Guevaras views on the new man motivated him, his comrades and the young B olivian revolutionaries who followed in their footsteps a few years later to sacrifice their lives for a new society and a new kind of human being. Many of the adherents of this theology of the new man established close links with popular revolutionary movements throughout the region. In Bolivia, after the failure of Guerillas guerilla movement, and in other countries such as Chile, Brazil and Peru, the most progressive sectors of the church, influenced by the ideals of liberation theology, associated themselves with Marxist and neo-Marxist revolutionary movements. In Bolivia, this tendency resulted in the participation of certain younger members of the Christian Democratic Party in a revolutionary guerilla movement that attempted to establish a base of operations in 1970 around the mining town of Teoponte, north of the capital of La Paz  [2]  . Although the idea of guerilla warfare was no longer accepted as a viable form of resistance to the military regime at the time, important elements within the Bolivian people began to idealize and even venerate the guerillas. Historian Siles de Valle illustrates the importance of how Guevaras death, his concept of the new man, the ideals of liberation theology, and the political movements inspired by Guevaras example have influenced Bolivian popular literature and politics right up to the present  [3]  . This influence is evident in that the first indigenous president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, is said to be re-launching Guevaras project of a peasants revolution in the country. Morales stated that he admires Guevara because, he fought for equality and for justice. He did not just care for ordinary people; he made their struggle his own.  [4]   The Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Western Hemisphere affairs, Roger Pardo-Maurer IV, states, You have a revolution going on in Bolivia, a revolution that potentially could have consequences as far-reaching as the Cuban revolution of 1959. What is going on in Bolivia today could have repercussions in Latin America and elsewhere that you could be dealing with for the rest of your lives. Che Guevara sought to ignite a war based on igniting a peasant revolutionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ This project is back  [5]  . Herewith, Evo Morales could become the countrys first authentically politically leftist president. In contrast, Historian Jay Mallin provides the argument that Guevaras influence was ineffective in Bolivia. He states that, charisma is never enough when it comes to leftist movements. The fate of Che Guevara, who failed to foment a Latin American revolution and left no coherent societal model behind for his followers, should have taught us that already.  [6]   Mallin also believes that Guevara had no purpose to be in Bolivia. Mallin affirms that, the peasants displayed little or no interest in aiding him [Guevara]  [7]  . During the 1950s, Bolivia had undertaken agrarian reform, and most of the peasants now owned their own land. A high-ranking Bolivian official commented: What could Che offer them? Cabinet posts? Mallins comment indicates that although Guevara was attempting to eradicate the alienation of the individuals on behalf of the population, the peasant majority perceived him as worthless as they had already been benefiting from the capitalists agrarian reform scheme s. Mallin considers Guevara to be a failure due to the fact that he was a leading theoretician and advocate of guerilla warfare, but he failed in an attempt to apply his own doctrines  [8]  . Since Castro came to power in 1959, he and Guevara had launched or encouraged more than a dozen guerilla operations throughout Latin America. Not one of these has succeeded in overthrowing a government; several have been wiped out completely; and some still splutter along  [9]  . Although much criticism of Guevara and his legacy emanates from the political center and right, there has also been criticism from other political groups such as anarchists and civil libertarians, Bolivian officials and right-wing conservatives, some of whom considered Guevara an authoritarian, anti-working-class Stalinist, whose goal was the creation of a more bureaucratic state-Stalinist regime. Mallins irrefutable argument is that Guevara was a man of considerable capabilities, but he chose to employ these talents in pursuit of violence as a means to a political end  [10]  . A doctor by profession, Guevara chose not to serve humanity selflessly, but rather to serve communism selflessly. And this indeed he did, relinquishing power and position in order to begin, literally, from scratch once again, to risk his life a new time in obedience to his tortured ideas. Therefore, Guevara can be considered a failure when evaluating his legacy within a political context. Although his attempt at unifying the Latin American nations provided him with an iconic status, the contemporary effort by politicians to follow in Guevaras footsteps has been deemed unsuccessful (except for Cuba as it still survives and was a critical reason for the Bay of Pigs Invasion in 1961  [11]  ), especially with the Bolivian president Evo Morales, who has little hope of fulfilling the expectations of h is followers. Called the most complete human being of our age by the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, Guevaras supporters believe he may yet prove to be the most important thinker and activist in Latin America since Simon Bolivar  [12]  . The most important factor of Guevaras legacy after his death was his status as a popular icon, symbolizing revolution and left-wing political ideals among youngsters in Western and Middle Eastern Cultures. A dramatic photograph of Guevara taken by photographer Alberto Korda soon became one of the centurys most recognizable images, and the portrait was simplified and reproduced on a vast array of merchandise, such as T-shirts, posters, coffee mugs and baseball caps. When Guevara died, millions mourned his passing. Poets and philosophers wrote impassioned eulogies to him, musicians composed tributes, and painters rendered his portrait in a myriad of heroic poses. Marxist guerillas in Asia, Africa and Latin America anxious to revolutionize their societies held his banner aloft as they went into battle. And, as the youth in the United States and Western Europe rose up against the established order over the Vietnam War, racial prejudice, and social orthodoxy, Guevaras defiant visage became the ultimate icon of their fervent protest on influencing government policies. Guevaras body might have vanished, but his spirit has lived on; Guevara was nowhere and everywhere at once  [13]  . As Jorge Castaneda so aptly states in his evaluation of Guevara, Many of us today owe the few attractive and redeeming features of our daily existence to the sixties, and Che Guevara personifies the era, if not the traits, better than anyone  [14]  . Latin-American Historians Castaneda, Anderson and Taibo examine the extent to which Guevara was committed to both fomenting socialist revolution on a truly international scale and personally putting into practice his thesis that it was possible for a small but committed guerrilla fighting force to ignite a full-scale popular revolution in Latin-American nations saddled by oppressive regimes and U.S. imperialism. His commitment to these beliefs was shared by most of his closest friends and comrades as well as many admirers and sympathizers around the world. Guevara exemplified the principles of individual sacrifice, honesty, dedication to cause, and personal conviction in his beliefs. In fact, the example he created by the way he lived his life and met his death has transcended time and ideology to nurture and inspire new generations of fighters and dreamers  [15]  . Guevaras defiant visage, as Anderson believes, has become the ultimate icon of revolutionary spirit and commitment in the late twentieth century  [16]  . Guevara was truly a man who died for his beliefs, and because of his almost mythical self-sacrifice for his revolutionary ideals he has been the single most important figure of veneration for revolutionaries and guerilla fighters around the world. Historian Castaneda links Guevaras legacy to what he sees as the legacy of the international youth revolt that took place in the 1960s: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦This is the lasting legacy of that decade. It is also what made Guevara the perfect fit, the supreme emblem of that cultural revolt a man whose politics were conventional but whose attitude toward power and politics attained epic and unique dimensionsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã‚  [17]   This component of Guevaras legacy can be evidenced through the increased involvement of the New Left youth revolts during the 1960s. The New Left sought to modify, rather than overthrow capitalism. It sought to make capitalism more inclusive and better share the massive wealth the United States enjoyed in the postwar period making the New Left relevant as this was a constituent of Guevaras ideologies. Castaneda supports his argument by stating that Che can be foundà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦in the niches reserved for cultural icons, for symbols of social uprisings that fi lter down deep into the soil of society,  [18]   but while there is truth in this assertion it is also clear that Guevaras legacy is greater than this. Bolivian literature, as exemplified by Harris, is testimony to the influence on Bolivian society of Ches guerilla mission and death  [19]  . Though he is seen by many as a hero, opponents of Guevara, including Cuban exiles, think of him as a killer and terrorist. They point to what they see as the less savoury aspects of Guevaras life, taking the viewpoint that he was enthusiastic about executing opponents of the Cuban Revolution. Some of Guevaras writing is cited as evidence of this tendency, as quoted in an article by Alvaro Vargas Llosa. In his Message to the Tricontinental, Llosa writes of hatred as an element of struggle; unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine.  [20]   Critics in the United States assert that Che Guevara was responsible for the torture and execution of hundreds of people in Cuban prisons, and the murder of many more peasants in the regions controlled or visited by his guerilla forces. Contrary to Guevara supporters, these critics also argue that Guevara was a blundering tactician with no recorded combat victories. While supporters point to the Battle of Santa Clara as a major victory of Guevara, historian Alvaro Vargas Llosa writes, his greatest military achievement in the fight against Batista taking the city of Santa Clara after ambushing a train with heavy reinforcements is seriously disputed. Numerous testimonies indicate that the commander of the train surrendered in advance, perhaps after taking bribes. They believe that Guevara murdered individuals on dubious grounds and took their property, seized private manors for himself, and distributed property among communist bureaucrats rather than the peasants. The critics also st ate that he helped institute forced labour camps when communist volunteerism had failed. Herewith, his social legacy has proven to be notorious as early followers of Guevara have had to transcend hate in order to be attain freedom. A corresponding element of Guevaras legacy is his success and veneration within an economic context. Guevara believed that the revolutionary regime needed to promote the development among Cubas working class of a new communist consciousness based on moral rather than material incentives. He also believed strongly that the regime needed to adopt a centralised budgetary system for the equitable allocation of resources between different sectors of the economy in order to build socialism in Cubas corrupt and underdeveloped economy  [21]  . He was vehemently opposed to what has today become the market strategy in the remaining few socialist countries marketisation, material incentives, and enterprise financial self-management. Anderson believes that Guevaras image is lionised by commercial profiteers around the world  [22]  . Entrepreneurs have used and abused Guevaras visage in a variety of ways including ice-cream flavours, revolutionary tacos and is even the public face of Cub a in relation to tourism. Although Guevaras Marxist and economic ideologies were systematic and meticulous, he failed at managing the Cuban economy, as he oversaw the near-collapse of sugar production, the failure of industrialisation, and the introduction of rationing. In a broader sense, some critics, such as Che-Mart (author unknown), have merchandised their dislike of Guevara by marketing burlesque T-shirts at both Guevara and his supporters, casting aspersions, for example, on what they perceive as an irony. The irony can be evidenced in that Guevara was a motivated communist who lived the last years of his life as a revolutionary figure, in order to abolish American capitalism throughout Latin America, but is now one of capitalisms hottest selling images. The creator of has written, Che has marketed his brand name brilliantly over the years, selling to specific niche in the market: young people who have no clue what Che has done or what he stands for. The cash continues to flow as most coll ege dorms world-wide are being adorned with his face. This comment eradicates Guevaras initial purpose and ideals of a world free of capitalism. Herewith, Guevaras legacy in an economic context is an ironic one, as what he fought against for so many years has allowed market oligopolies to take advantage and use his well-known visage to achieve what entrepreneurs love most: large profit margins from effective market capitalism. The complex facets of Che Guevaras revolutionary movement have created a mixture of interpretations through the passage of time, causing a distortion in the Guevara legend. He is singled out from other revolutionaries by many young people in the West because he rejected a comfortable bourgeois background to fight for those who were deprived of political power and economic stability. However, as evidenced in the thesis, Guevara was unsuccessful in his fight against peasant exploitation and Western capitalism. It is for this reason that Guevaras legacy is considered as rather disproportionate and can be regarded as a failure, when evaluating his political and economic success as a revolutionary. Paradoxically, Guevara can be considered a success as he has become a popular symbol while his image is too often dissociated from the philosophy that built it. It is the vulnerability of Guevaras spirit that makes him a contemporary hero although he might have failed as a revolutionary, he ha s somehow retained a powerful hold on the popular imagination, seeming to transcend time and place; his legacy continues to influence not only those who were inspired by him then but also those who are discovering him today.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Eyes Have It Essay example -- Photgraph Descriptive Essays

The Eyes Have It I chose to write about a picture, and the particular picture that I chose to write about was of a young woman from Afghanistan, who was estimated to be the age of twelve. The photograph became famous after it graced the cover of the June 1985 National Geographic. The young woman was beautiful beyond any words, let alone mine. She had long, dark hair and tanned skin. Her face, to me, was a dichotomy between rough features, exposed to the ravages of poverty and war, yet with a soft beauty underneath. She had well-defined cheekbones, and a pronounced chin. Her head was covered by a red burka, which further brought out the green and gold within her eyes. They say that the eyes are the window of the soul. I do not believe that, but I do believe that her eyes have seen things which would test the souls of the most worldly of people. Her eyes burnt defiantly, with a fiery glint that seemed to bore through any person who looked into them. Her eyes are what everyone seemed to notice the most of all. Like a cat, they seemed to focus the light around her, and took on an almost supernatural presence. She had all the allure of a supermodel, or a sultry silver screen siren. She wore a countenance of defiance. It isn’t immediately clear why she was angry†¦ but most would assume that she was angry about her life and upbringing. In actuality, she was also angry at being photographed. It was one of those great moments in photographic history. Whether it’s a sailor kissing a random nurse on VJ Day, or a fireman pulling a baby from the rubble of the Oklahoma City bombing, or a Veitnamese citizen being executed by an American soldi er, there are some photographs that take on both a life and a symbolism of their own. This p... ... background, it allows a person to fill in their own blanks about where she is from. And by sticking to her face, and not a whole body shot, it puts a face on the cause itself. Years later, the original photographer went back to Afghanistan to find this woman. It’s a miracle that she was found. Afghanistan has few roads and phones, and she lived in a remote region, far removed from what would pass as â€Å"civilization† in Afghanistan. It’s amazing that she even survived over the years, but survive she did. Years of hard living eroded her natural beauty, and her features grew coarse. She’s now a simple, uneducated wife, who covers herself before all except her husband. But she allowed one more photograph to be taken of herself, and while her eyes look somewhat duller, they’re still the unmistakably brilliant eyes that captured a world’s attention some two decades ago.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Islamic Economic System Essay

Islamic Economic System implies a mood of satisfying the economics needs of the members of organized society in accordance with is injection of Quran and Sunnah. It’s derived from the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and explained in his Ahadith by the Holy Prophet (SWT). This system continued in this original form till the death of the Second Caliph Hazrat Umar (RA). The system believes in the private ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange which are managed and controlled by individuals or groups of individuals for private profit. Islam enjoins investment of money and other resources; it issues clear injunctions on the legitimate ways of investing them. The Jews confused â€Å"Ribā† with trade; they would call â€Å"Ribā† a kind of trade. Unrestricted economic freedom and non-interference of the state in such freedom is another feature of conventional economy. Competition, which is another feature of conventional, leads to t he destruction of minor enterprises and firms. This encourages merger of smaller business organisations into major ones and thus monopolies or cartels are established. The Institution of banking and interest is the life-blood of conventional form of economy. For business, trade and industry especially for big projects and economic ventures, huge funds are required which no individual or firm can arrange. To pay ‘ZakaÌ„t ’ on ones wealth and property is extremely obligatory for a Muslim. AbuÌ„ Huraira has reported God’s Messenger as saying: â€Å"If God gives anyone property and he does not pay the ‘ZakaÌ„t ’ on it, his property will be made to appear to him on the day of resurrection as a large bald snake with black spots over its eyes. It will be put round his neck on the day of resurrection, then seize his jaws, then say, ‘I am your property; I am your treasure.† The only verses which state not mere ethical norms but rather economic rules or regulations are the verses dealing with zakaat (tax on surplus wealth) and riba (usury/interest). Establish worship, pay the poor-due, and bow your heads with those who bow (in worship). 2:43. In Islam there is no conflict between matter and soul, as there is no separation between economy and religion. Its characteristics, value and essence are appreciated by Muslims and the non-Muslims. The over-arching values of Islamic economics lie in the principle that it is an economic strategy that can achieve unity and harmony between the material and the spiritual life of the people.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Treaty of Paris 1783 and the American Revolution

Treaty of Paris 1783 and the American Revolution Following the British defeat at the Battle of Yorktown in October 1781, leaders in Parliament decided that offensive campaigns in North America should cease in favor of a different, more limited approach. This was spurred by the widening of the war to include France, Spain, and the Dutch Republic. Through the fall and following winter, British colonies in the Caribbean fell to enemy forces as did Minorca. With anti-war forces growing in power, Lord Norths government fell in late March 1782 and was replaced by one led by Lord Rockingham. Learning that Norths government had fallen, Benjamin Franklin, the American ambassador in Paris, wrote to Rockingham expressing a desire to begin peace negotiations. Understanding that making peace was a necessity, Rockingham elected to embrace the opportunity. While this pleased Franklin, and his fellow negotiators John Adams, Henry Laurens, and John Jay, they made it clear that the terms of the United States alliance with France prevented them from making peace without French approval. In moving forward, the British decided that they would not accept American independence as a precondition for beginning talks. Political Intrigue This reluctance was due to their knowledge that France was experiencing financial difficulties and a hope that military fortunes could be reversed. To begin the process, Richard Oswald was sent to meet with the Americans while Thomas Grenville was dispatched to begin talks with the French. With negotiations proceeding slowly, Rockingham died in July 1782 and Lord Shelburne became the head of the British government. Though British military operations began to have success, the French stalled for time as they were working with Spain to capture Gibraltar. In addition, the French sent a secret envoy to London as there were several issues, including fishing rights on the Grand Banks, on which they disagreed with their American allies. The French and Spanish were also concerned about American insistence on the Mississippi River as a western border. In September, Jay learned of the secret French mission and wrote to Shelburne detailing why he should not be influenced by the French and Spanish. In this same period, Franco-Spanish operations against Gibraltar were failing to leave the French to begin debating ways for exiting the conflict. Advancing to Peace Leaving their allies to bicker amongst themselves, the Americans became aware of a letter sent during the summer to George Washington in which Shelburne conceded the point of independence. Armed with this knowledge, they re-entered talks with Oswald. With the issue of independence settled, they began hammering out the details which included border issues and discussion of reparations. On the former point, the Americans were able to get the British to agree to the borders established after the French Indian War rather than those set by the Quebec Act of 1774. By the end of November, the two sides produced a preliminary treaty based on the following points: Great Britain recognized the Thirteen Colonies to be free, sovereign and independent states.The borders of the United States would be those of 1763 extending west to the Mississippi.The United States would receive fishing rights on the Grand Banks and Gulf of St. Lawrence.All contracted debts were to be paid to creditors on each side.The Congress of the Confederation would recommend that each state legislature provide restitution for property taken from Loyalists.The United States would prevent property from being taken from Loyalists in the future.All prisoners of war were to be released.Both the United States and Great Britain were to have perpetual access to the Mississippi.Territory captured by the United States subsequent to the treaty was to be returned.Ratification of the treaty was to occur within six months of signing. With the British relief of Gibraltar in October, the French ceased to have any interest in aiding the Spanish. As a result, they were willing to accept a sepa rate Anglo-American peace. Reviewing the treaty, they grudgingly accepted it on November 30. Signing Ratification With the French approval, the Americans and Oswald signed a preliminary treaty on November 30. The terms of the treaty provoked a political firestorm in Britain where the concession of territory, abandonment of the Loyalists, and granting of fishing rights proved particularly unpopular. This backlash forced Shelburne to resign and a new government was formed under the Duke of Portland. Replacing Oswald with David Hartley, Portland hoped to modify the treaty. This was blocked by the Americans who insisted on no changes. As a result, Hartley and the American delegation signed the Treaty of Paris on September 3, 1783. Brought before the Congress of the Confederation at Annapolis, MD, the treaty was ratified on January 14, 1784. Parliament ratified the treaty on April 9 and ratified copies of the document were exchanged the following month in Paris. Also on September 3, Britain signed separate treaties ending their conflicts with France, Spain, and the Dutch Republic. These largely saw the European nations exchange colonial possessions with Britain regaining the Bahamas, Grenada, and Montserrat while ceding the Floridas to Spain. Frances gains included Senegal as well as having fishing rights guaranteed on the Grand Banks. Selected Sources University of Oklahoma: Treaty of Paris (1783) TextUS State Department: Treaty of Paris (1783)Patriot Resource: Treaty of Paris (1783)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Should You Really Get a Job as a Teen Why and Why Not

Should You Really Get a Job as a Teen Why and Why Not SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Getting your first job is really exciting - you have real-world responsibilities, and real-word money that you earned yourself, probably for the first time. In your teen years especially, the independence that comes with a part-time job is especially appealing. You get out of the house, meet new people, forge professional connections, and make your own savings and spending decisions. But you probably have a lot of other things on your plate as well: school, extracurricular activities, family, friends, even college applications. How do you know whether getting a job is a good idea? In this post, I’ll talk about the things you should consider before submitting those job applications. Hopefully you come away from this post with a better idea of whether getting a job is right for you. Why Do You Want to Get a Job as a Teenager? First, it’s important to consider your motivations for getting a job. Some motivations will lead to more productive and more valuable work experiences than others. Do you want to learn to develop good financial habits? Do you want to gain valuable real-world professional skills? Do you want to keep busy and try something new, especially during summer vacation? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you’re on the right track. You’re likely intrinsically motivated to participate in real-world work experience, which leads to valuable experiences in domains both professional and personal. Do you feel youshould get a job just to put on your resume? It’s true that having a job looks good on your resume for college applications. But if you’re not intrinsically motivated to seek out work experiences, chances are you won’t learn or gain much from a part-time job. You’re better off focusing on your main responsibilities: your academic performance and your extracurriculars. If you are still interested in seeking out non-academic activities, think about looking into volunteer opportunities where you can develop your own unique interests and passions. What Are You Looking For in a Teen Job? I've put together a list of different professional skillsets that you can hone and develop in different employment settings. This isn't an exhaustive list, but these skillsets are generalizable across different fields and levels of experience. Even for entry-level positions, you'll want to consider which of these skills you could pick up as an employee: Responsibility - Most jobs require some degree of responsibility from employees. More advanced expectations of responsibility would require you to learn quickly, take initiative on projects, and even teach or train others. People Skills Development - If you deal with a customer or client in any capacity, you'll be learning to work on your people skills. If you work in a service position, like as a sales associate or waiter, you'll be presented with challenging people skills issues on a daily basis. Some individuals really thrive on these one-on-one interactions, while others don't. What do you think you prefer? Teamwork Collaboration - You'll develop collaborative skills if you're expected to work with coworkers to tackle projects or problems. Do you work better alone, or you enjoy working in groups? If you're a more solitary person, try challenging yourself by looking at jobs that require you to work collaboratively. Leadership Skills - You can find jobs high in leadership skills development where there's "room for growth" once you've proven yourself. In a restaurant, for example, almost everyone started off as a busser - you have to prove yourself to work your way up to host or waiter. Professional Development - If you hope to gain a lot of professional connections, or experience in a very particular field, you'll want a job that can provide the most in this domain. It might be difficult to find a paying position as an entry-level teen, but the payoff can be worth it in the long run. Great jobs - even entry-level ones - will hit several of the above points. Before you think about submitting job applications, brainstorm which job qualities are most important to you. They’ll really speak to the types of jobs that you’ll gain the most from. A lot of adults are still on the hunt for their dream jobs; you can get a head start! How Much Time Should You Commit to a Part-Time Job? There’s no one right answer here - it really depends on your other commitments. First, you need to consider teen working restrictions in your state. Many states set maximum working hours/time restrictions for teens, especially during the academic year or on school nights. You can Googlesearch â€Å"[your state] teenage labor laws.† If you’re already 18, none of these restrictions should apply to you. Second, you need to consider where this job will be on your list of priorities. Your own well-being should always be your #1 priority; if your schedule is over-burdened with countless activities and sports and a job, you’llbe doing yourself a disservice. Spreading yourself too thin means that quality of performance will suffer somewhere, whether it’s your schoolwork or your athletic team or your family life. Focus on quality, not quantity - at at the risk of sounding a bit preachy, make sure you're getting enough sleep! If you’re interested in getting a job because you want to develop professional connections, or because you’ve found a position that aligns with future career interests, you might want to invest more time in it. Jobs like this serve you well in the long term for many reasons: You develop basic employment skills, important for any resume You can check out a career path early on to see if it’s something you’re interested in pursuing further You may find yourself a trusted mentor or advisor in a field that you find interesting You may pick up more specialized or unique skills that make you a stronger job applicant in the future, or even a more interesting college applicant Picking up a unique skillset will make you a stand-out applicant in the future. Only you know what your schedule can handle, but think carefully about what you’re willing to commit to before you even start looking at jobs. It’s much easier to under-commit and take on more hours than it is to over-commit and then have to cut back. When I was in high school, I had a lot of academic and extracurricular responsibilities: I took several AP classes, participated in after-school sports, played an instrument in orchestra, and joined several clubs. On top of all this, I thought it would be a great idea for me to commit about 10 hours a week at a part-time job. I was able to juggle all these responsibilities, but barely - and I was exhaustedall the time.I realize now that I didn't have to prove anything by taking on another commitment, and I should have either limited my hours to the weekends or not worked at all while school was in session. During the summers, though, I worked part-time andloved it - I would have gone crazy if I didn't have something to do, and I got to experience a more independent lifestyle the summer before I left for college. Only you know what's right for you, but I hope you can learn from my experiences! Some Examples of Rewarding Jobs If you think that taking on a part-time job is the right thing to do, you'll want to start thinking about what you actually want to do! Here are some examples of fulfilling part-time jobs for teens to get you started. Tutoring - Gain experience as a mentor in a subject area you're skilled in, and learn to work with clients one-on-one. Offers opportunities to develop strong professional relationships. Animal Shelter Work - Working with animals is a lot of fun, and a lot of responsibility - these creatures are completely dependent on you for their care. This is an especially great option if you're considering veterinary work. Administrative Assistant - Small businesses and law firms often need help with administrative tasks.It might not be especially glamorous, but you get to learn the ins and outs of a particular business, all while developing your professional network. Babysitting - It’s a big deal when parents entrust you to care for their kids; it can also be a lot of chaos and fun. If you are interested in working with infants or kids in any capacity in the future, it can be a huge plus to have babysitting experience. Babysitting is also a great side job through college, so the more work experience you have, the easier it’ll be for you to find work in the future. Research - Labs at local universities often need help (sometimes paid, sometimes volunteer) implementing research, or with administrative tasks. If you find an opportunity like this in a field that you’re interested in, I would strongly encourage you to check it out! It’s a great opportunity to meet incredible grad students and professors, work on very cool projects, and put something especially impressive on your resume. What's Next? Interested in getting a job, but not sure whether your academic performance is strong enough? Learn more about what your GPA means, the average high school GPA, and how your grades affect college admissions. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Monday, November 4, 2019

Species at the Small Nature Trail Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Species at the Small Nature Trail - Essay Example The Small Nature Trail is not named so because of its size, but rather it is named after Lawrence Small, who owned the land before it was acquired by the school. The trail loops through woods and wetlands and offers many opportunities to observe diverse plant and animal interactions in their natural surroundings. The Harvard Trails Guide released by the Harvard Conservation Trust (n.d.) mentions that, â€Å"the black birch which, when scratched, smells like root beer; spice bush, which also emits a ‘spicy’ odor; sassafras, with its three different leaf shapes; and the shagbark hickory, with its distinctive or exfoliating bark.† I was able to identify and examine these trees myself during the hour and a half long trail walk. There were also boardwalks and bridges that cover the wet areas of the trail. A little while into my trail walk, I began to examine the ground where I was walking more closely. Soon, I noticed red ants moving rather quickly in their line. They were carrying a dead beetle to their nest. As I looked closely, I noticed that the larger worker ants were carrying the beetle while the smaller worker ants assisted the larger ones and went up and down the line formation, trying to get the dead beetle to their nest. ... Once the beetle was taken into the hole, the activity above the ground reduced as most of the ants accompanied their food into hole. After watching their activity for a while, I went back to the trail to continue my exploration. As I walked along the trail, I noticed bracket fungi growing on several trees like the poplar and maple trees. They were easy to identify as they had the characteristic semi-circular shape, which looks like shelving growing out of the trees. In fact, throughout my trail walk, I found several bracket fungi growing on trees and tree stumps. When I touched them, they felt soft and squishy. Bracket fungi are known to derive their nourishment from their host – the trees. I plucked out a piece of the fungi from a tree trunk and found some small root-like structures extending into the tree. Therefore, I believe that the bracket fungi that I saw were parasitic. The walk on the boardwalk was a wonderful experience as there was thick foliage on both sides and on e cannot see too far since the path twists and turns through the foliage. As I got off the board walk, I saw several different kinds of plants which had flowers of different colors. That is when I noticed some butterflies fluttering around these flowers. As I took some time to observe this insect-plant interaction, I realized that the butterflies was not only drinking the nectar from the flowers, but were also helping the plants in pollination - something that I had studied in my school, but never really taken the time to notice in nature. I spent a considerable amount of time observing these butterflies. After spending some time with the butterflies, I resumed my walk. As I approached the wet area of the trail, I noticed some turtles basking in the sun. I

Friday, November 1, 2019

Baw.Grop Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Baw.Grop - Essay Example If the trade bloc comprises of geographically proximate countries, the trade agreement is known as ‘regional trade agreement. Most of these trade agreements are done to enhance the business situation in a region by the coordination offered by each of the member states. Back in 2006, on the first day of January, the agreement on South Asia Free Trade Agreement came into force. Out of their members India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are known as Non Least development Contracting state (NLDCS) and Bhutan, Bangladesh, Maldives are Nepal are referred as Least Developed Contracting States (LDCS) (Commerce, n.d.). The member countries of this agreement are able to avail a number of trade opportunities which are specifically available to the member countries of this agreement. These agreements have emerged to promote multilateral trade with a commitment to offer higher rate of economic growth worldwide. However, the spread of these regional blocs has denied allowing the non member countries to take the advantage of free trading. To enjoy the benefits of free trading which include enhanced resource allocation, improved level of efficiency, exposure to new innovative ideas, technologies and products the South Asia countries must ensure trade facilitation, econom ic cooperation to other Agreements and higher investment across the countries in that region. Despite of the fact that South Asia Association for regional Cooperation (SAARC) is being into existence for the last 25 years, still in 2004, the percentage of intra regional trade was only of 4 % of the total trade amount (Kemal, 2004). In a review, World Bank has revealed that all the regional grouping does not boost the trade and enhance the growth automatically. Although, the objective of these regional trading groups is to promote inter regional trade and economic growth, a large no of groups fail to achieve the same (Kemal, 2004). SAFTA has allowed